Carl Wittig's Aurora Oktett

                       Photo by Florian Fries

Award-winning bassist Carl Wittig founded the Aurora Octet in 2016. “Wittig and his ensemble are a new voice; the double bassist and composer is forging his own path between jazz and classical music.” (Michael Wollny) The band, consisting of a string quartet, saxophone, trumpet, bass, and drums,  is in the process of releasing its second album, „Continuity and Resonance“ (2025, XJAZZ Music). The Aurora Octet seeks to create music that blends diverse timbres and structures. The compositions include sections reminiscent of classical chamber music, as well as driving grooves, free improvisations, and lyrical melodies. “Music that speaks to the heart and the mind in equal measure.” (Nils Wogram)



Carl Wittig - Double Bass

Ada Schwengebecher - Violin 1

Sophia Rasche - Violin 2

Marie Schutrak - Viola

Franziska Ludwig - Cello

Phillip Dornbusch - Tenorsax/Clarinet

Pascal Klewer - Trumpet/Vocals

Tom Friedrich - Drums